Contact Us

Would you like to achieve a ‘better quality’ of life? 
Would you like a little more ‘spare’ cash?
Does the idea of ‘More Money, Less Stress’ sound appealing?!

If you are running your own complimentary therapy business and feeling that it’s hard work, and it’s not quite giving you what you want, then this is for you ….

Attract New Enquiries

You are a highly skilled practitioner and you are rightly proud of your ability and experience. There is no doubt that you are good at the ‘core’ of your business – The treatment side of things.

But ‘Sales & Marketing’? That’s not really your bag!!

You are not alone, thousands of practitioners feel the same – now at last there is a solution.

HealthierAndHappier is a programme that works with you to help you with your business. Professional highly sought-after coaching to help you get your business where you want it to be.

Specifically marketing ideas, techniques, and systems so that you never struggle to find new customers again

Converting Enquiries To Customers

Marketing produces enquiries…but many of these do not become customers and it can be very frustrating!

Do you feel ‘price pressure’ and tempted to reduce the fee?

Do you have ‘competitors’ that are ‘taking your customers’ and thus you struggle to convert?

Does the whole ‘selling’ side fill you with dread?!!

Specifically marketing ideas, techniques, and systems so that you never struggle to find new customers again

Earn Additional Income

More enquiries, more customers and thus more income…

But wait, there’s more

Our programme is in partnership with an incredible global provider of totally natural essential oils and supplements. As a member, you also share the benefit of being a part of doTERRA and can even add some of these products into your everyday practice for another layer of additional income.

Reduce Admin Drain

It's one thing being busy but it's another thing entirely doing al of the admin that follows!

Our programme will reduce or even remove a lot of your current admin drain... it will make it easier for customers and it smooths payment concerns or booking challenges and eliminates all of the extra paperwork and emails.

Business done properly leaving you free to do what you love doing.

Manage Social Media

These days it seems the whole world is focused upon Social Media... whether it be Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn...or any other platform the truth is you need to be visible

But how can you do all of that as well as serve clients?!

Our unique programme helps streamline and smooth the task so you really can reach out and not miss out!

Save Money And Make Money

Many small business have a portfolio of small software costs... perhaps web hosting, MailChimp, Outlook/Office 365, Link Tree, Canva, Dropbox, etc.

These might all be 'little amounts' but they add up to maybe even £100 a month or more.

Our programme takes all of that away and our comprehensive system gives you everything you need all in one place.

Better systems, reduced costs and extra functionality to actually make more with adding 'memberships' or 'Digital product sales'... it really can transform your business.

Fact: for most people, the most important thing to you right now is the desire to be more ‘comfortable’… it’s not about being extremely wealthy, but definitely about removing the stress and worry and having a more relaxing life!

If that sounds like you … if you’d like to have some professional caring support for your business to give you a bit more ‘wriggle room’ financially and ease some stress and financial juggling, then this is for you.

When you join us in the HealthierAndHappier community you get an incredible exclusive opportunity to truly improve your business and your life.

The HealthierAndHappier mission is simple: – to improve how you feel and by helping you we in turn help you to help hundreds of others… the net result being a considerable impact on your community. It is our belief that feeling ‘Healthy and Happy’ is a fundamental right, and thus our commitment is to do all that we can to give that feeling to you and yours.